How often do cat water fountains need to be cleaned?
Cat water fountains need to be cleaned fairly often, but it will depend on factors like the type of fountain, how many cats are using it and where the fountain is located. A good rule of thumb is to clean your cat's water fountain at least once a week or whenever you notice the water is soiled. Multi-cat water fountains may need to be cleaned as often as every other day, and things like warmer weather or a food bowl nearby may make cleanings necessary more often.
What are the benefits of cat water fountains?
There are many benefits of cat water fountains. Benefits can include increased water intake as well as fresher, cleaner water for your cat. Many cat water fountains also hold a lot of water, so you won't have to refill them as often. Some models are elevated, as well, allowing a more comfortable drinking height, and most cat water fountains filter the water for better taste and hygiene. However, you do need to make sure to clean and refill your cat water fountain regularly to ensure the water is always fresh and readily available for your cat.
What material is best for a cat water fountain?
The best material for a cat water fountain is a durable and easy to clean food-safe material. Popular choices include hard plastic, stainless steel or ceramic cat water fountains in a variety of decor-friendly shapes, sizes and styles.