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A message about delivery times: With inclement weather conditions throughout the country, delivery times may run longer than usual in some regions. We are committed to delivering your orders as quickly as possible. Contact us any time. We are here for you.

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Most Common Questions

Order Status

What is the status of my order?

How do I cancel or change my order?

How do I request a return or replacement?

Managing Your Autoship

How can I change my shipping address?

How can I change my payment method?

When will my payment method be charged?

How do I reschedule or delay my Autoship?

How will I know my Autoship is on its way?

How do I add/remove items on an Autoship?

How do I cancel my Autoship?

Why has the price of an item in my Autoship order changed?

Orders and Payments

How do I make a purchase?

When will my payment method be charged?

Why are there multiple charges on my card for a single order?

How do I add a payment method?

Why is my credit card not working?


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