Once upon a time there lived a group of loyal, sincere, and trustworthy women. Their collective spirits sought to come to the aid of abandoned, unwanted, abused, and lost felines. They wanted to give these beautiful, if sometimes scruffy, creatures a new beginning. They showed the kitties love to heal their broken hearts, patience to learn to trust, and healing medicine to make them well. The women knew that their quest could not stop here for there were just too many kitties to care for all on their own. What were they to do? They thought and thought and thought some more. Until one day, the women realized what they were meant to be! Faerie Cat Mothers who could light the way for felines to...
1. Submit Application
Can be completed online: http://www.faerietales.org/adoption/adoption-form.html
2. Approve Application
3. Meet the Pet
4. Take the Pet Home
You can copy and paste our adoption questions as listed below into a word document...